Monday, October 5, 2015


   How many times have you woke up or just got home from work and that thing is lingering in the back of your mind, and weighing you down like a wet blanket... go to the gym and get your workout in!! Now if you feel like you are one of these people, and trust me you are far from alone; then I am here to put  some much needed wind in your sails and reveal a huge secret that us fitness professionals keep tight and under lock and key. Now my secret might not be as big as Bruce Jenner's was but both them can change how you look and feel tremendously; so here it is, you do not need a gym to get healthy and in fantastic shape!! Now this might sound ironic coming from someone whose business is having people come to my gym (and among other places) to get in shape but it's the truth, you can get phenomenal results just using your environment or just using your own body. So many people go to the gym and just do the same routine that they've been doing everyday for the last year, with the same results that they had last year, but about a quarter as much enjoyment and motivation that they had last year as well. So day by day they stagger to the check-in desk like The Walking Dead and stare off aimellessly while their on that newely  greesed " hamster wheel", and it's sad because these people forgot the most important thing to get healthy and in shape, and that is that you are supposed to be enjoying it! Now enjoyment and exercise might sound like an oxymoron but trust me it's possible. Variety of routines and locations in my opinion is crucial towards results but also in creating a long lasting and enjoyable healthy lifestyle. So don't look at your next exercise time as a chore look at it as an adventure or a chance to try to do something that you have never done before; go try that hiking trail you've always wanted to, get some gloves on and get in a Boxing ring, set up a game of Freeze Tag with your friends, the options are as endless as your imagination. The one thing you can't do is day after day continue to do the same thing, with the same effort and enjoyment, but expect different results than what you are currently getting, cause that is the definition of crazy!!

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